Extra-Life Charity
TL;DR so here is my email asking to support my team for Children’s Miracle Network and Children’s Hospital of Virginia. There’s a link at the bottom to my team if you want to donate. If you want to read more about us… continue on.
With the help of donations from some of you, we were humbled that were able to get so very close to hitting our goal of $3,000.00. The charity drive itself is simple; people donate, and we play games usually for a very extended amount of time. More donations, more weird, wild, and fun stuff we tend to have to do. Years past we have played for an entire 24 hours straight. Viewers can watch us stream all of our ridiculous nonsense.
Our group of friends and family has collectively raised OVER $20,000.00! That is AMAZING! We literally could not have done it without all the support from everyone. The greater charity amount is over $100M! We may be the ones who are hustling for the donations, but you all are the ones who are making the real difference.
As most, if not all of us know, cancer affects far more people every year. I started participating in this charity drive 10 years ago because it became a part of my life. Each year that goes by I feel like it creeps further and further into all our lives. Children, and their parents, are an especially vulnerable group and, let’s be honest, a group that doesn’t deserve the hardships they have to go through. My charity of choice is the Children’s Miracle Network and the Children’s Hospital of Virginia. This year we are hoping to possibly break $20,000. To do that, I need your help.
As I have said in years past, this is something that I care very passionately about on a personal level. A few years back I lost a good friend to cancer, leukemia to be exact. When he was sick in the hospital, they let him take his Xbox 360 with him. We would play a couple of hours a day with each other. He lived in Florida, and we couldn’t get to see him all the time because of the distance. Games were the only way we could connect with all our friends who lived spread over North America. Sadly, he lost his fight with cancer ten years ago.
I can’t stress it enough… ALL DONATIONS GO DIRECTLY TO THE CHARITY. I don’t see, or want, one single cent of it.
The "official" day of the Charity Drive Marathon is the weekend of November 4th. This year, like the last, we will probably be continually doing drives over the later part of the year to hit our goals. I know a lot of you are not “gamers” and this might seem like a silly thing to support, but I assure you that it is very important and personal to me. I never like to bug you all with personal stuff, as we all have things to worry about in our own lives but this one is important to me and so many others.
If you would like to donate the page is http://extra-life.org/team/ffsf all donations go directly and completely to the Children’s Miracle Network and are tax-deductible.
Thanks again for your time, consideration, and donations.