Another movie in the books, and another classic trip down memory lane.
#9 The Children of the Corn
The more of these old (late 70’s early 80’s) movies I watch, the more I begin to wonder why I was scared of them in the first place. If you don’t already know, the movie revolves around two love birds on a trip to California that get caught up in some strange shit involving kids. No, not like Roman Polanski kind of things. The entire town of Gatlin has been slaughtered, well I should say, all of the adult in Gatlin were slaughtered. They were all killed at the hands of the children there under the command of Isaac. Isaac is the prophet that speaks to “the one behind the rows” (rows being corn I would guess) he is probably around 13 years old and has brainwashed almost every child even the ones older than he to do his bidding. Long story short the “outlanders” are trespassing on Isaac’s land and must be killed. The children eventually turn against Isaac and follow Malachai one of the elder kids and they are going to make a sacrafice to “the one who walks behind the rows” to appease it. The corn field ends up getting burnt up by “the outlanders” and apparently they kill what ever it was that was in the corn. Not that scary to me, but never the less, it did scare a lot of people back in the day. They made several different sequels to this movie, so I would wager that someone liked it enough to KEEP making them. Still, it’s a classic a guess.