Conor McMahon, Director of Stitches, whipped up a list of his favorite horror movies and needed a place to post them.
It’s been a few years since we had a guest post. After watching Stitches, I reached out to the director Conor McMahon, and he was gracious enough to make one.
1- The Exorcist, Jaws, Psycho, The Omen – These are the classics, the ones I go back to again and again.
2- The Innocents – Even though this is an old black and white film I still had to turn it off the first night I watched it because it creeped me out. Great performances and influenced a lot of modern films like The Others.
3- The Haunting – Another classic ghost story by director Robert Wise with amazing wide screen cinematography.
4- Halloween – My early short films were just carbon copies of this so it was a big influence when I was starting of.
5- Suspiria – Every so often you see a film that is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. The music by Goblin and the visuals are half the movie and create an intense atmosphere.
6- Brain Dead – Probably the goriest film ever made with some of the most inventive death scenes you will ever see.
7- Evil Dead 2 – This was the first comedy horror film I ever saw and the world was never the same again after seeing this. Of all the films I’ve seen this has influenced me the most.
8- The Vanishing (Original) – One of the things I remember about this film is that the villain has such a twisted logic that was truly scary.
9- Creep (2014) – Of the recent found footage films this has been my favorite. Goes to show what you can do with two characters once there’s a good story and compelling characters.
10 – Possession (1981) – I only watched this film a few weeks ago and I felt like it grabbed me by the neck and shook me around the place.
11- Eyes Without A Face – I’ll never listen to carnival music the same way again. A disturbing and yet beautiful film.
12- The Wicker Man – I love the songs in this film and the authenticity of the island setting makes it truly sinister.
13- Martyrs – One of the few films to really shock me in recent years. I had no reference point for what was going on and it constantly kept me on edge.
14- American Werewolf in London – Probably the best horror comedy film. Gets the tone just right. The funny parts are very funny and the scary parts are truly scary.
15- It Follows – My favorite horror film last year. It made me suspicious of everyone walking along the street.