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Horror Favorites W/ “Pinup Dolls On Ice” Directors

Geoff Klein and Melissa Mira - Co-Directors_Co-Producers

I reviewed a movie called Bikini Girls On Ice in 2011. Now, two years later, the director of that movie is helping me out with a post about his favorite horror movies. That’s pretty dope.

It’s rare that  directors that have their movies reviewed less than favorably are civil about it. It’s even more rare that they will get in touch with and carry on a civil conversation with the one that wrote the review. However the director of “Bikini Girls On Ice” Geoff Klein was nice enough to do both of those things with little ol’ me.

Both directors of the upcoming (now in post production) Pinup Dolls On Ice, Geoff Klein and Melissa Mira have been nice enough to jot down a few of their favorite horror movies and why. Some of these I personally have never seen, but may add them to my lists in the future. Thanks again.

GEOFF’S (in no particular order):


My fav film from Argento. Loved the camera work and how the death scenes almost felt like operatic masterpieces.


Unforgettable killer, Mick Garris is menacing, yet composed. And I loved McGrath’s performance; I couldn’t believe it when she died. SOOOOOO looking forward to Wolf Creek 2.


The tension (pardon the pun) when the killer is slowly moving through the house is phenomenal. Loved the score/sound design and obviously the twist ending. Really well done.


I watched this film on a stormy night with thunder and lightning; bad idea. It scared the shit out of me. Not a huge fan of the Supernatural elements near the end; but when a film can scare you during the day scenes, that’s a really good sign.


This was one of the first controversial films that I saw; I was glued to my TV. I couldn’t believe some of the set pieces and gore in the film. It was something I had never seen before; although not a great film, it stuck with me because of the visual effect it had on me.


The girl vomits her own intestines. Enough said 🙂


Both films are fabulous, both for different reasons. Two things I’ll never forget… 1: The Spiderwalk… 2. The lingering shot in the hospital before the killer cuts off the nurses head with shearers.


I still think twice about swimming in the lake.


I fell in love with Katharine Isabelle after this film; although who didn’t? But this is an indie horror film with brains; really loved it. Great script and amazing characters!


This was the first Japanese horror film that I ever saw, and although some of the set pieces don’t affect me as much today, the first time I saw it I was genuinely scared. That old man hovering in the elevator and the old woman in the hospital at night gave me fucking nightmares!


I must have rented the VHS from my local video store a thousand times when I was a kid. I had a crush on Mindy Clarke for a long time because of this film. It was the first time that I had seen a “love story” that worked in a horror film. It’s also a really fun film with some cheesy lines that make for a great experience. But Mindy Clarke… oh boy…


I loved the dynamic of the five or six girls. And the claustrophobia. And the monsters. Too bad part 2 sucked.


Feels like a grown up horror film. Loved the dreariness and ultimately the twist ending. Nicole Kidman is excellent.

MELISSA’S (in no particular order):

THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS This film used to scare the shit out of me! I used to think I had people in my walls – not a good feeling. To this day, I can’t forget the shot of the hand coming out of the wall-vent and handing the fork to Alice. I watched it recently and it still creeps me out! I love the balance of the different elements in the film. There’s a great combination of a little bit of everything (i.e. zombies, crazy family, virgin good girl, etc.).

TREMORS (1990)

I grew up with this film! My grandfather had it on a VHS tape and I use to watch it all the time. This is the film that made me realize that monsters can live in the ground and attack you if you any make noise. Do I need to tell you that I use to crawl onto furniture after watching it… and forget going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

BEETLE JUICE Although it has a comedic feel, it still managed to scare me! The “shrimp hands”… OMG. I remember being very impressed about the special effects too!


This film is fucked up!! I remember Suzi Lorraine (Bikini Girls on Ice and Pinup Dolls on Ice) telling me about this film while on set. She told me that people were walking out during screenings, that it was really hard to watch and that it had gotten banned from a lot of places. So I did the next sensible thing that came to my mind… I watched it. She was right. Although I don’t consider this a “horror” film, it made me more scared than any other horror film out there and definitely uncomfortable while watching it. I felt like shit for at least a good week. Lol! I believe that “horror” and “monsters” come in very different packages and mean different things for a lot of people, but I definitely consider this one of my favorite films. I would probably never watch it again because of how disturbing it is and I only recommend it for those with a strong stomach! If you do find the courage… you’re in for some fucked up shit!!


Geoff introduced me to this film a few years ago and I loved it! I think that because it’s an Asian film I love it even more. I find the characters really interesting and the context of the story really really good! I would say it’s the “way better and bloodier” version of Hunger Games where you actually see blood, guts and all that fun stuff! Not a “horror”, just a killing madness.


Killer car. Classic. Love it. I want one. I’m always fascinated about how people related to certain things and how an obsession can turn deadly (Moe + ice = dead girls!)


My grandfather also had this film on a VHS tape. Again, not a “horror” film, but a guy with scissor hands that moves into the neighborhood is not a comforting situation. I can’t forget the image of Edward’s “scissor hands” trying to grab his “human hands” from his creator as he was falling to the ground with all the blood running out! This film also has a lot of elements, including a monster you actually feel for and a love story. The entire film is just plain awesome and absolutely beautiful to watch.


AWESOME!! Hottest zombie EVER!! Love it, love it, love it. Fucked up kind of “Romeo and Juliet” thing at the end – I can never forget that.

For those that are interested, here is the trailer for the upcoming Pinup Dolls On Ice.


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