In a surprise development, we discuss video games for the first quarter of the podcast. No one tell Brian. I don’t want him to freak out. Also we talk about the usual idiots in the news and things that have developed over the previous couple weeks and days. I’ll reiterate, we talk a lot about video games in the beginning of this podcast. Don’t be scared. We talk about how video games came from nothing and what they have become including how they have been “nerfed” over the years. We also talk about the fact that gay marriage is just about legal in Virginia and how great that is for our state. Floridian idiot George Zimmerman’s new security “job”, John Travolta’s “gay lover”, Jesse “The Body” Ventura’s lawsuit , Siberian craters, ten year gone vibrators, Evil Dead and the serialization of movies, terrible PR moves for promoting your van rental, pooping on trains, and finally an update on a story we covered years ago. Ghetto Poetry this week had Brian and James dramatically reading RiFF RAFF’s “Aquaberry Dolphin”.https://archive.org/download/FFSF_Podcast/EP57%20John%20Travolta,%20Jesse%20Ventura,%20And%20Court%20Cases.mp3
We finish of the show with another edition of Sonny Velvet. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes. Feel free to follow us on Twitter. Tell a friend. Brian really wants some emails, so please email us stuff. ANYTHING really. We’ll read em, or at least talk about them on the next show. Or call our Google number (804) 719-1797 and leave us a message. We’ll make you famous… not really.
#VanRental #AquaberryDolphin #Dildos #Robocop #Vibrators #Trains #Nerfed #Florida #VideoGames #GeorgeZimmerman #Comedy #Youtube #RiFFRAFF #Gay #FFSFGhettoPoetry #Arcade #GayMarriage #FlipFlopSlapFight #Spoof #Siberia #Virginia #Parody #JohnTravolta #Television #Australia #Humor #ChubbyChecker #GhettoPoetry #Podcast #SonnyVelvet #FFSF #EvilDead #JesseTheBodyVentura #Poop #Government