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Writer's pictureScott

Playstation 4 Interface “Demo” Video

One of the things that I have been wondering since the announcement of the PS4 is how the UI would look and work. The following video looks to explain that a little bit.

While I am still unsure if the UI is user friendly per se, it does seem to be a bit more (or at leas is projected to be) snappy. The XMB on the PS3 is pretty bare bones, and while this isn’t the greatest of design choices, it’s preferable to the convoluted and overly congested look of the UI for the 360 at the moment.

Sure this is all just basically proof of concept and ideas, but it’s better than it was. It seems like Bruno Mars here is enjoying it though I don’t think my friends will have such an easy time of pushing me to download the latest games.

What I like most is that it appears you will have the ability to download separate sections of a game at a time. As the video shows, he downloads the multiplayer before the single. This would be great for me (except in reverse) as I don’t care about multiplayer. It also looks as though the (possibly packed in) mic is wired to the controller and looks more like something that comes with an iPhone than some giant unwieldy over the ear mic.

So long as they make everything stand out on it’s own, and it doesn’t become impossible to tell one section or feature from another.

(On a comedic note, why does the one guy invite his friend to play with him b/c he is getting his ass kicked, then make fun of and have to show said friend how to play the game. Secondly, why does the soundtrack sound like something that fell out of a Dukes of Hazzard episode.)

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