From the people that brought you Sharknado. On the network that brought you the Puppy Bowl. Starring Shannon Doherty, Christopher Lloyd and some dude from a soap opera. Blood Lake is simply put; Amazing.
Michael and Cate along with their two kids Nicole and Kyle have moved (apparently only temporarily) to a town in Michigan for Michael’s job as a fish and wildlife officer. Michael’s trip doesn’t take long to go from bad to worse when he finds out that the lake he is living beside has become infested with ravenous lampreys. The other F&W officers attempt to help stave of the influx of these lampreys but are stopped cold by the mayor. Michael wants to shut the town down until they get a handle on the over population, but the mayor won’t allow it. This puts everyone at risk, as they quickly find out.
I should start off by saying that this is by the same people that have done the terrible mock-butsters as well as the Sharknado movies, The Asylum. I started watching Blood Lake without knowing this, and almost turned it off. I’m still torn on whether continuing to watch it was a good or bad choice. It says a lot about a movie when it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page.
The Asylum has kind of built a track record for being some of the worst/best at what they do. They make these movies on what you would think is a shoestring budget, but manage to pull in celebrities and the movies themselves are chock full of computer generated images. Blood Lake is no slouch in either of these categories. The majority of the cast, though not super well known by name, is full of people you probably have seen here or there. Maybe that’s where the budget goes to. That’s beside the point. Let’s talk about the movie.
Blood Lake is about killer lampreys that grow to the size of a man’s arm, swim extremely fast, and “feed on only one thing”. There are so many problems that the movie has, both in keeping up the facade of this plot, and continuity. I could list them all out in this review, but that would take away really the best part of the film. I don’t know what I did more watching this, screaming at the TV because the characters were so incredibly dumb, or laughing at the situations they put themselves in. With Blood Lake, the impossible is possible.
Much like Sharknado, the only way to really appreciate this movie is to watch it yourself. Normally, with a movie this bad, I would highly recommend that you stay far away. However, it’s worth watching this movie (drunk or sober) to try and spot all the things that just plain don’t make sense. I don’t know whether I hate this movie, or love it. It was entertaining, and that’s probably the best thing I can say about it. Poor Christopher Lloyd. Poor, poor Christopher Lloyd.
For the record, there isn’t a “trailer” either. Just watch the scene below, in which, there is no context for why Shannon Doherty’s character is stuck in the shower, or why she cannot escape… None.