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Review: “Bread Crumbs”

Remember the story of Hansel and Gretel? The story of two kids that were lured into a witches house and then eaten? Did you ever think to yourself, “I wish someone would make a movie with the thinnest of connections to that.” Well, wish granted.

Bread Crumbs follows a group of people heading off into the woods to make a porn (What? Again?) away from the distractions of the scene. As they arrive at their house and start filming, things take a turn for the worse. People start either disappearing, or just straight up get murdered. What they find out is that it’s a couple kids that have been doing the slaying.

The kids say things about living in houses made of candy, and making cookies, and that is about all the connection to Hansel and Gretel you are going to get. There is a big deal made about one of the actresses being their “mommy” but it’s really only a ruse to lure her out. The movie ends rather abruptly, and poorly.

Bread Crumbs is a poor excuse at trying to make a “fairy tale” dark and more realistic. They play up this whole “house of candy” thing, but it never once factors into anything that actually occurs on screen. Also there are a few lines of dialog as well as some interactions that lead you to believe that “the woodsman” is going to be an actual character. Well that is a bunch of bull. He is in two scenes that last maybe a total of two minutes.

This movie wanted so badly to be a psychological thriller of a horror movie, that it comes off feeling overly forced and obvious. Lots of misdirection, plenty of characters trying to rationalize things with themselves as well as the antagonists, but none of it works. At the end of the film there is one lady left alive and I guess we are to believe that she would rather join with the kids than go back to her “post porn” life. I dunno, maybe that is what we are being lead to believe.

Bread Crumbs would like you to believe that this is based on some fairy tale, even so much as putting that on the poster, but it’s not really. There is literally no reason given to why the kids are portraying Hansel and Gretel. No reason why they think the porn stars are in a “house of candy”. And no reason for “the woodsman” to even be mentioned in passing. I guess maybe now I can make that horror movie I always wanted based on Goldilocks and the three bears. It would be about a blonde girl that kills everyone because she saw a bear at the zoo once.

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