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Review: “Carrie” (2013)

Previously posted on blog and written by B. Demeter

Carrie (2013) is a good remake; however, just get to the end already!

We all know it’s coming. Crazy shit is going to pop off at the prom. Do I really need to sit through the first ¾ of this film?

The new Carrie is a remake of the 1976 film of the same name. The original is a classic and widely known. The remake is a money grab by a movie studio that believes kids these days won’t watch a movie that wasn’t made in the past 5 years.

There isn’t much to talk about story wise. The film lines up against the original. Sure, the new one has cell phones but that doesn’t change the overall arch of the story. Carrie is a loner/unpopular high school student. Her mother is a religious nut-job. Carrie’s classmates are a bunch of bullying all-stars. Throughout the course of the movie, we follow Carrie as she discovers she has telepathic powers; which doesn’t make her mom less nuts or her school chums less antagonistic.

The first two parts of this movie are entertaining. I didn’t dislike watching it. The actors all do great jobs and the story is updated nicely. I’d even go as far at to call out Judy Greer as the caring gym teacher and Portia Doubleday as the head bitch. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but these two actresses stood out from the rest in my opinion. Portia Doubleday may in fact have portrayed the best stuck-up, entitled, popular psychopath I’ve ever seen on film.

Chloe Graze Moretz plays the titular role of Carrie. I have no honest opinion of her as an actress. I guess she is all right? I’m not a huge fan of Kickass, which I think is her big claim to fame. I didn’t like the Let the Right One In remake. She might be a good actress but I haven’t been blown away yet.

Okay, fuck all the other bullshit. On to the big finale!

The prom scene plays out like the original. Carrie and her date win prom king & queen. They get up on stage where head bitch dumps a bucket of pig’s blood all over her. This pushes Carrie to her limit and she uses her powers to murder/death/kill her classmates.

Even taking into account the lack of surprise (since the same thing happened in the original), I can’t exactly say the ending is all that spectacular. One girl gets electrocuted. Twin girls get trampled to death. A lot of people get pushed and knocked around. I knew the scene had to play out in a particular way but I though they would make it a bit more interesting. The original had people being blasted by a fire hose. The remake doesn’t have anything that spectacular in it; except the head bitch does get hers a bit more painfully than the rest.

Also, the music in the prom death scene is on point.

There is stuff after that concerning Carrie, her mom, and a school friend but it really doesn’t’ matter.

Overall, I would say that I enjoyed this movie. I don’t enjoy that it is a needless remake of an already terrific film but there is nothing I can do about that.

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