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Writer's pictureScott

Review: Chime (XBLA)

How often do you get to purchase a game AND get to feel good about the money you spent? Not very often, I am guessing. Fortunately, with Chime you can slap down your money and know that you are actually paying for something good. For the 400msp (or$5) that will you spend for this game, you are also helping less fortunate children around the world. As One Big Game’s motto goes, “Play, so others can.” You can not only feel good about spending the $5 for the game, but you have an excuse to tell your significant other/parent/guardian that you aren’t just buying a game, you are giving to charity. It’s really a win win situation.

So, what are you getting for your charitable donation of $5? For one, you are getting a new and interesting spin on the time-tested Tetris/Lumines formula. Chime is a block puzzle game, to be sure, but not what you may be used to. It combines just about every relative puzzler out there and meshes them into a very relaxing time in front of your TV. As the description for Chime goes, “Place blocks, build quads, get coverage, make music” and it’s really just that simple.

Read the full review originally posted @

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