At some point, I will stop being surprised with the ways that people will spin the zombie apocalypse into fun movies. Until then, let’s just discuss the stupid fun of Cockney Vs. Zombies.
In the East End of London, on a random construction site, two workers discover an old doorway that was sealed under a decree from King Charles the II. Thinking that it is likely treasure and riches inside and ignoring the warning, the pair open the seal and quickly discover that it wasn’t built to keep things out, but keep things in. They are quickly bitten by the zombies inside and then naturally spill out into the greater London are kicking off yet another zombie nightmare.
In another part of the city two brothers, Terry and Andy are readying their crew to rob a bank so that they can get the money to save their grandfathers retirement home. The bank job goes sideways in more than one way and thanks to a calamity of human errors as well as the aforementioned zombies attacking. As the brothers slowly realized there is something else going on, they race to save their grandfather from the building being demolished, as well as certain death at the hands and teeth of the London zombie invasion.
I’ll say this upfront, I am a sucker for a good British comedy. So I was more than likely going to enjoy this movie based solely on that fact. However, this is a decent movie even beyond my known proclivity. Cockney Vs. Zombies feels like if Guy Richie had done a horror movie before he did Lock Stock. It’s three stories that all seem different in their own way all converging by the end. It’s funny, full of cockney slang, guns, and swears to make any … soccer hooligan feel at home.
Zombie movies are not going away, I realize that more and more every year. I don’t like them all, and likely won’t even attempt to watch the majority, but when one is recommended for me specifically based on my tastes, it’s nice to see originality. While a group of Brits unknowingly stumbling through a zombie outbreak is nothing new, the addition of the old folks home and the jokes it provided was enough to keep me interested for the duration.