Back-to-back sequel reviews? Sure, why not? Frozen Empire attempts to keep the franchise rolling but seems to have left more than a few fans out in the cold.
Picking up a few years after the events of After Life, the Spengler family, and Gary, have moved into the old Ghostbusters firehouse in New York. They have managed to resurrect the old family business of busting ghosts on the regular. The family, though they bicker and complain (like any family) works quite well as a team to bust various ghosts around the city. As per usual the captured ghosts all go back into the containment unit at the firehouse. After years of dumping the ghosts in this repository, it seems things are a bit cramped in there and it seems as though the unit itself is almost at full capacity. It’s beginning to show signs of critical failures in the near future.
While the new Ghostbusters team is hard at work doing that thing they do, the old team, mostly Winston and Ray, are working in secret to keep the rest of the world free from ghosts. Winston, with his deeper pockets, has built an all-new containment unit that is able to hold considerably more ghosts than the last. He also has set up a new research facility to study the ghosts and extract them from possessed items. Those items come directly from Ray’s shop he has set up as a front to cheaply acquire items from normal people to investigate and excise the ghosts. He recently has been given (sold) an item of immense power unknown to everyone. This item holds a very dark force and, if released with malice or good intentions, could spell the end of all life on the planet.
Having basically seen this and After Life back-to-back, I can honestly say that these two are not the style of Ghostbusters films I was expecting or really wanted. However, I took a step back, removed my nostalgia for the series, and can totally see these films as being the NEW Ghostbusters films that kids will attach to and enjoy for years to come. I feel like a lot of the flack that they have received around release and even still now, is unwarranted. Just because a generation wants the OG Ghostbusters actors and style doesn’t mean that is something we are entitled to or deserve. Letting current and future generations have their fun is okay too.
Frozen Empire pays enough homage to the past as it does to create a new legacy. Slimer is there, the old firehouse is there, there’s even a Twinkie joke hidden in there. It’s fine. I don’t hate it, in fact, I kinda liked it more than expected. As I said in After Life, this was a movie that my 10-year-old wanted to watch and I think he will look back on these with the same fond memories that I look back on the original two. Don’t expect everything to be the same as what it was and understand that things change and that’s okay. Let people enjoy what they like. You’ll be fine too.
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