From the producers of “Dude, where’s my car” and Director Robert Englund comes Killer Pad. A nice attempt to do a horror comedy with a Joey Lawrence cameo.
Doug, Craig, and Brody are the best of friends. After they catch a windfall from a botched surgery on their dog “Ballsy” they decide to move to California and live in the lap of luxury. Once there, they find a real estate agent and luck into a mansion on the cheap. The house is perfect. It comes fully furnished, fully stocked, has a great view and a pool. The one tiny problem it has is that there is a portal to Hell in the basement floor. This would be a deal breaker, except the three friends are, let’s say, not the brightest stars in the sky. They stay and decide upon meeting their neighbor, a super hot girl, that they need to throw a party. Flyers are printed and invites are given to pretty much anyone.
The party starts off well enough, and things are going fantastic for the boys. However, things start to turn bad when the house starts killing people. Toilets swallow people whole, and the hot tub boils a set of triplets alive. Doug and Craig come to an agreement that they should call the cops… as soon as the party is over. Next thing you know, Joey Lawrence shows up (as himself) and ends up not only dead but in some sort of Weekend At Burnie’s Parody. Now Brody knows, and his thoughts are the same. Call the cops, as soon as the party is over. This works fine except that the three girls they are set up with turn out to be demons from Hell. So now they have to kill them, and that kind of kills the mood for the party.
Killer Pad is a decent horror comedy. I probably would have liked it much more, except that the way the three guys are portrayed in the movie is almost EXACTLY like the three friends in Mystery Team. Donald Glover, D. C. Pierson, and Dominic Dierkes played almost identical characters in their movie that came out several years ago. Three completely oblivious teens that are thrown into a situation they can’t control and can’t comprehend.
Killer Pad is funny enough that I guess I would recommend it. Just don’t go in looking for some revolutionary horror comedy and you probably won’t be too disappointed. There’s not a lot of blood, there are some poop jokes, and Joey Lawrence, but all of that is almost forgivable. The writing is pretty smart, the three actors have good chemistry and there are some hot girls involved. The only thing that weirded me out about this movie is that by the end it felt more like a long commercial for beer. Prominently displayed Dos Equis, Tecate, and Sol beer bottles are everywhere. It’s really strange.