The 80s were a lot of things but two things it was NOT known for were humility and restraint. The Nightmare Sisters may not be the best T&A horror movie to come out of the decade, but it certainly isn’t the worst.

I just want to preface this review and possibly the first several of this year by saying that I am just getting over Covid. While that created a boon for time to watch movies, it didn’t exactly help me out much with the mental acuity to write coherent reviews of (probably mostly) bad movies. You’ll have to forgive me if I ramble a bit and don’t exactly connect thoughts well. Just… getting that out there is all.
Melody, Marci, and Mickey are three of the nerdiest girls you will ever find in a sorority. As sisters, they all live together in their house and live boring nerdy lives. One night they decide that they want to get together with a few of the nerdy boys in their college and have a “party” together. Naturally, they don’t have a lot of entertainment, drinks, snacks, or even friends but they DO have an Ouija Board. The girls convince the boys that having a seance is going to be fun and commit to summoning spirits. Unfortunately, the spirit they summon is a succubus and she possesses the girls making them sex starved killers.
Look, I make no apologies for the terrible movies that I subject myself to. I was a child of the 80s and as such I watched a LOT of bad horror movies, either on USA Up All Nite or they found their way into my life through basic cable. I also tend to enjoy these movies as background fodder while doing any number of other things. You don’t need to know what is specifically going on in the lore of the movie b/c you can likely figure it out within seconds of watching the screen.
Nightmare Sisters is a great entry in the 80s gore-filled, sex-fueled cinema that was my childhood. There is just enough story to move things along garnished with plenty of hot 80s women, terrible dialog puns, and ridiculous deaths, all mixed together in a neon blender. The movie itself is not great. It’s an excuse to get three hot women in a bathtub, nude, and covered in soap suds and that’s almost literally it.
Make no mistake, I enjoyed this flick. However, I watched it mostly holding the remote hoping that my wife or children wouldn’t walk in and see the depravity happening on screen. I vividly remember thinking at one point during the second musical number, this seems like a lot like “Hobgoblins” but with more boobs and demons. Oddly enough in the very next scene, the old security guard from Hobgoblins pops up. I felt like I did that with my mind. I can’t say I would recommend this film as some sort of “must watch” for any cine-file but for a person like me, raised in a certain time period, with slightly specific likes/dislikes, this movie hits the spot. Maybe not a spot I am super proud of, but it is still something that I am glad I have watched and can watch again in the future.