“Did I shit the bed?”
Found footage films were quite the thing for a long time… this is one of them.
Katie and Micah are boyfriend and girlfriend living in a house together. They have noticed weird things happening around the house recently and Micah has the idea to get a camera to capture it all. Katie has a psychic come to the house and talk over what is happening as well as her history with this kind of thing, and for the first time, Micah gets to hear about it too.
In her early childhood, Katie and her sister used to see something in their rooms. It used to terrify Katie and always seemed to be directing all its torment at her. Then one day her home burned to the ground and they could never figure out where the fire started. After that, her issues with the entity stopped, until now. Micah begins to capture things on camera that are simply unexplainable. As he wants to get closer to the truth by filming and researching more, Katie becomes increasingly terrified that what they are doing is making it worse.
Let me start by the issue that I had with the trailer for this film. No, it didn’t reveal the ending or some secret twist in the film that would ruin my viewing. However, it said, “Rediscover the original found footage horror film…” Now… are they trying to say that this is THE “original found footage horror film” or are they just saying this is the original of the series? Because one of them is true, the other is most certainly not.
Found footage movies, especially horror movies, are an acquired taste. I have really had my fill of them and honestly, they have all become formulaic, as much as other horror movies have. Predictable and for the most part boring. Several times in this one I found myself thinking, well if they had just done “X” during this scene, it would have made it much better and more impactful. The ending attempted to have this real shocking stinger but it was pretty predictable as well. In fact, the only part of the movie that was truly creepy to me was the thought that my wife might just stand almost motionless by my bedside and just watch me sleep. This one 90min film kicked off a franchise that now spans EIGHT other movies. That is insane to me. Obviously, someone out there likes it but for me, it was kinda boring. Maybe if I had seen it in a theater with a bunch of screaming, jumpy teens… I don’t know.