Yes… I watched a “horror movie” called retarDEAD, and NO I am not proud of it. Do not, under any circumstances, watch this movie.
First let me address the fact that the people on the box are never seen in the movie. They are not any of the main characters, nor are they any of the original zombies. Secondly, don’t let the “Official Selection” emblems on the bottom fool you. If this movie was “Officially Selected” for anything it would be for a coaster. Third, and most important of all, retarDEAD in the sequel to “Monsturd“. I was unaware of this fact going into the film, and upon seeing the first scene was immediately aware of my mistake.
retarDEAD picks up almost immediately after the events of “Monsturd“. It’s about a crazy doctor that decides to try out a new drug that will make people that are dumb extremely smart. Think “Flowers for Algernon” but with the lowest of low-brow humor and utterly atrocious writing. The drug has side-effects. This leads the special-ed kids to become super smart one day, but flesh-eating, mindless zombies the next.
retarDEAD is garbage. That should be all I write about this “film”, because that is all it deserves. Actually… I think it will be. This movie has literally no redeeming qualities to it what so ever. None. Do not watch it.
*props to Bill for sticking around and watching this steaming pile with me*