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Review: “Silent Hill: Revelations”


It’s rare to see a movie that is so at odds with its title that it borders on the line of false advertising. Silent Hill: Revelations could almost be brought up on charges.

In The first Silent Hill movie, things were a bit mysterious, in the second movie, the mystery became full-blown confusion. In the first movie, it was discovered that Alessa is basically blamed for the creation of Silent Hill and all its insane inhabitants. In the second movie Rose is gone and her adoptive daughter, Sharon, is living with her dad Christopher (played by Sean Bean). Sharon keeps having nightmares and wakes from them with only one thing on her mind, Silent Hill. While her dad continuously tells her to forget the nightmares, Rose knows that she has to find out why she has these recurring nightmares about this mysterious place. It isn’t until her dad is kidnapped that she finally gets the courage to seek out Silent Hill and the source of her torment.

Ok, let’s start with all the things that make no damn sense about this movie, or maybe the opposite because that’s far easier. Sean Bean has a daughter, Rose. The same girl that he was able to rescue from Silent Hill in the first movie. … That’s about it. Everything else in this movie is bat-shit crazy. Malcolm McDowell plays an insane man with some sort of seal in his chest. Pyramid Head makes an appearance and as a menacing figure he is, he helps out Sharon and Christopher at the end of the movie, for no apparent reason. Alessa is apparently Sharon’s alter, more evil ego, I guess. The woman that tries to kill Rose turns into a monster, as the big reveal at the end… but the movie never explains in the least why this is relevant. Oh, and Jon Snow is in it too.

I really really like the Silent Hill games. The first three were really great. The first movie followed somewhat the events of the first two games. The second movie follows, only slightly, the events of the third game. Granted I never finished the third one, but after reading the Wiki for it, it has almost nothing to do with this movie.

The “stinger”, if you want to call it that, at the end of the movie introduces a truck driver Travis Grady. Travis is yet another character from the games that got stuck in Silent Hill while taking a shortcut on a trucking route. As Sharon and boyfriend Vincent speed out of Silent Hill in Travis’ truck, a group of police officers heads into the town as it becomes enveloped in the fog once again. So yeah, there might be another sequel in the mix. I’m sure that one will clear EVERYTHING up. In other words, there were no revelations to be had in this movie.

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