On the heels of the HUGE success (I guess?) of the first Slumber Party Massacre movie comes a sequel that someone wanted to make. I didn’t think the first was all that great, even by 80’s horror movie standards, however when a movie has boobs and blood NOTHING can stop it, I guess.
Slumber Party Massacre 2 sort of continues the story of the first movie. This time it follows Courtney Bates. If you didn’t know that Courtney was the little sister to one of the main characters in the first movie, you would be forgiven. Actually, if you remember ANY of the names from the first movie you would probably be doing better than most. Anyway, Courtney is a high school girl with a problem; She has really vivid and horrific nightmares every night. Dreams of a man killing all her friends with a giant drill… attached to a hideous guitar.
Courtney’s friends and bandmates, decide that she needs to get away for the weekend and relax. Hoping this will end the nightmares she has been having, she gets permission from mommy and heads off to a friends “condo” for some girl time. The girls have invited a couple of their boyfriends to tag along and enjoy the free house (with a pool, SCORE!) and free booze. Even in the relaxing surroundings of an unfinished suburb and all the “expensive” champagne they can drink doesn’t stop the nightmares. They actually get more gruesome and more vivid as the weekend goes by.
The hour or so of exposition and setup end rather swiftly and basically out of nowhere when her dreamed-up psycho killer just materializes. Literally out of nowhere he is just kinda, there. First on his hit list is Courtney’s boyfriend as he drills his big stupid guitar drill through his back. The kids all take turns dying in ways that seem completely avoidable in every way. Until there is just … *Musical Number Interruption* … Wait… what was that? Did I just witness a musical number in my horror movie? Yes… yes I did. After that first musical bit, the movie goes off a cliff so steep and fast, it’s like it was a rocket-propelled drill tunneling its way to the center of the Earth.
By the end of the film, Courtney has either gone completely insane, or the movie was all just a dream, or it was an episode of Cop Rock gone horribly wrong. Either way the last few minutes of the film crank past at a blazing speed. The murderer is burned alive by his own request and Courtney is in a random room screaming while a drill comes up through the floor. Leading me to think that this was supposed to be some sort of “psychological thriller”. I don’t know if it disturbed me in the way that the writers and director wanted it to, but it definitely left some sort of stain in my mind.
This movie is only notable for two things; It “stars” Crystal Bernard. Oh, you don’t know who that is? She is that one girl from Wings… yes, Wings. Secondly, the bad guy looks like a cross between John Travolta and Andrew “Dice” Clay. This does not really make the movie any more or less enjoyable, however, it makes his character very distracting. I kept waiting for him to either start singing a number from Grease (it was close), or end every one of his murders with “OOOH!”.
I am almost afraid to see what the third movie has in store for me. The first, as I said, wasn’t really memorable for anything at all, and the second was only memorable for being terrible. I mean seriously… just look at that stupid guitar with the HUGE drill on it. How is that practical at all? Really, I mean, is he a guitarist rejected from the band Grim Reaper or what? I think he is just overcompensating for something… or everything.