As I said before, this looks like a movie that would have been shown on the same network that MaxHeadroom aired on. This movie makes those television shows before Metal Gear Solid 4 seem tame.
Stanley and Raquel Putterman are an odd family. The one thing the family agrees on is television. Television is what binds this family together. They all love it, and can’t live with out it. Stanley decides that he needs to have the biggest and best satellite dish in order to get the best and widest variety of television signals. While installing said dish, it is struck by a strange beam of light. He fears that his dish is broken, however after a few seconds the TV glows to life and we assume everything is fine. However, since this is a horror movie, nothing is what it seems.
Strange images begin to appear on the television, and this is only the beginning. Stanley and Raquel’s son, Sherman, and Stanley’s father find that a monster has come through the television. The monster kills grandpa and then disappears back into the tv. Later it kills mom and dad as well as their swinger friends. After a strange scene where Sherman and his sister Suszy and her boyfriend O.D. teach the monster how to talk, eat, and what TV and music are, it freaks out and eats O.D. Now only Sherman and Suzy are left to deal with the monster.
This movie first reminded me of “Stay Tuned”, which is a movie I must have seen about twenty times when I was a kid. It’s not even that good. The monster resembles something like “Pizza The Hut” from Spaceballs, but without all the character. I’ve said it about previous movies but this is a testement to the excessiveness that was the 80’s. All that was missing was someone doing a mountain of coke off a hookers ass. The daughter is the embodiment of the 80’s in one character. The parents try to be those “cool parents” that everyone thought they wanted back then.
Unfortunately, much like other trends from the 1980’s, this one should not have come back. It stars a bunch of character actors that you will surely recognize as “that guy” or even “oh her”. The special effects look more like someone figured out how to make green jello into a prop and not just a dessert. It’s supposed to be a horror-comedy but I really didn’t see anything funny about it. It feels like a movie you have seen a hundred times before, even if you haven’t. I would have rather watched the fake TV show that was playing through out the movie, or at least seen more of the host. But a woman with huge boobs hosting a late night movie marathon has that effect on me anyway. Terrorvision is one movie that should have been cancelled.