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Review: “The Devil’s Rock”

the devil's rock poster

World War II was full of truly atrocious things. Had the Nazis ever gotten their hands on something like this, the world would be a terrible place.

Captain Ben Grogan and Sergeant Joe Tane are sent to the Channel islands on a commando mission to disrupt and distract German forces from the coming landing on the beach at Normandy. Everything goes according to plan until the two hear strange screams and sounds coming from inside a bunker. Captain Grogan decides they need to investigate, in case German soldiers are torturing an allied soldier. When they enter the bunker, the are met by more screams and gun shots, but that is the least of their worries. As they creep further inside, it becomes apparent that something very strange and possibly evil is going on.

The Devil’s Rock is actually a good movie. The plot won’t blow your mind, but I also don’t want to spoil anything. It’s easy to deduce from the poster and the synopsis that it involves the evil. A Nazi soldier has found a book that will summon an evil demon, capable of wiping out all that who oppose Hitler. A succubus, I believe is the proper term for what lies inside. She is very beautiful and extremely deadly.

I was surprised that a movie who’s entire cast is made up of four, maybe five people could be so good. The script is well done and the acting only serves to support it. Rest assured however, there is a LOT of blood and guts in this movie. While there are only five living actors involved, there were many dead bodies, and body parts strewn about. The special effects makeup was handled by Weta Workshop. The same people behind the LOTR award winning makeup.  Though the creature isn’t on screen much as her real form, the effects work well. Also, kudos to the director for tastefully doing a very sexy woman, basically nude, but not shoving her boobs in your face.

The Devi’s Rock, while not the absolute best movie I have seen during this journey, is still a very good film. It is well worth seeking out to at least rent. I managed to see it on Netflix instant and know that there are bluray copies of it out there somewhere. If you are given the chance to see it, I would take the risk.

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