THQ may have gone under, the franchises may have been sold off to new companies, moral may have been low, but just when you think things can’t get better, here comes Saints Row… four. Dammit! I was doing so good.
That’s right, folks. The Sequel to my personal (as well as many others) Game Of The Year 2011 Saints Row Three is coming to consoles. Not only that, but it will be out this summer (tentatively). There was worry that the series going to Deep Silver might change things, but having watched the following trailer, I think I’m good with it. From the flashes of in-game nonsense things look to be business ans usual. Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on this. The only concern I have, and it’s a small one, is getting the same voice actors to reprise their respective rolls. Again, small concern, but one that will affect the game, slightly.