Trying to catch up with the series as well as my self imposed marathon, I move on to Saw part V. Looking for answers, I was only met with more questions and even more confusion.
#4 Saw V
Considering that part four is pretty fresh in my memory, my wife and I were looking forward to getting some of the questions that were posed to us before answered. Unfortunately I think we both came away from this movie wondering where the hell this series is going. Unless I miss my guess they are going for a seven part series here and they are about to lose me totally. The story has always been full of flashbacks and diversions to keep you wondering when and were you are in the overall story arc. Honestly by the end of this one I knew where they were going, I know what they are trying to do, and it STILL doesn’t make any sense. This part was more like part two where there was several stories all smushed together but all somehow connected. I just didn’t really care by the end. Jake and the fat man (too obscure?) is not a good Jigsaw, he talks to much and isn’t as creepy as Tobin Bell. The only reason that I will move on in the series is to find out where and how the wife now fits into the movie since she was introduced again in the beginning of part five then they quickly moved away from her. So until the new one hits the theater (probably dvd actually) I will just have to sit and wonder, well… not really. I guess if you are, like me, already vested in this series you will probably want to watch this. Honestly if you have never seen ANY of them, just watch the first and be done with it. It’s the best and really the only one you really NEED to see. Also just as a personal note to the marketing team, you probably shouldn’t put “You won’t believe how it ends” as you tag line. Two reasons, one the series isn’t “ending” yet, and two because the audience has been conditioned to EXPECT a twist ending, so we probably WILL believe how it ends.