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Sony E3 Press Conference: The Run Down

Sony has a lot to make up to the fans for what happened last month. The question was, would they acknowledge it, or would they just gloss over it. In the end, it was a little of both.

Jack Trenton takes the stage after a rather lengthy 3D intro “sizzle reel’. Jack opens with a joke. “Journalist everywhere thrive on bad news, so in that case, you’re welcome.” Not cool Jack… not cool.

Right out of the gate is the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception demo. And with good reason, because this game looks AMAZING. Oh and it’s in 3D… there is yet another trend forming here. We see drake making his way through a giant ship at sea, which he decides to sink, in his own sort of way. After the demo in a somewhat strange twist announcement, Naughty Dog and Sony also unveil a deal with Subway that will allow players to get their hands on the full multiplayer section of Uncharted before the game launches on November 1, 2011.

Next is Resistance 3… in 3D. Looks great but personally I am not really vested in the series, yet. Then Jack is back and announces something that may be interesting to those holding out for the Playstion Move. The Resistance 3 Sharpshooter Bundle, which contains Resistance 3, a Playstation Move, Navigation controller, the PlayStation Eye, and the Sharpshooter controller frame all for $150 this September.

Jack also talks about 2 new HD and 3D collections coming exclusively to the PS3. The God of War PSP games and the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus set. One sounds significantly more exciting than the other.

Jack also talks about a new Sony 3D TV for gamers. Its a 24in HD3D television that features a unique split screen that actually ISN’T split screen at all. Two sets of glasses give two different gamers two different pictures… on the same TV. It’s $499 for the TV, two pairs of glasses and Resistance 3.

Next up NBA2K 12 demo with Move support. Demoing the game is Kobe Bryant, because he doesn’t have anywhere else to be at the moment. Looks good, I guess, but it’s not targeted towards me.

Speaking of not targeted to core gamers… Medieval Moves is a Move on rails game that looks to capture a younger audience. Use a sword, Bow, or “throwing stars” to hack through levels. Even the guy talking about it could care less. “Oh great, more gears.”

inFAMOUS 2 demo is up next. Looks good but why demo a game that literally is in the mail right now.

Jack also talks about new Move integration in Little Big Planet 2.

Next the guy from CCP (the people behind EVE Online) takes the stage to talk about Dust 514. A persistent MMO that will sync up to your current EVE account. Looks kinda like a more scifi MMO version of MAG.

Ken Levine is next on stage after a quick look at some new Bioshock Infinite stuff. He talks about how he is sold on Move now. He also says that he has been working on “something in the Bioshock universe” on the NGP. That’s interesting.

Jack is back. He says Saints Row The Third will have an exclusive multi-player mode for PS3. Here’s hoping it is the “beat-a-guy-with-a-4ft-dildo-mode”. Then he shows a trailer for a new Star Trek, third person shooter game. Looks vaguely like Mass Effect but we have to remember it is based on the new movie. That does not usually mean “good game”.

Kaz finally takes the stage to talk about the now completely confirmed “Playstation Vita”. Pronounced Vee-Ta. Playstaion Vita will be “on the most reliable network in America”… AT&T. Hmmm.

Then we are treated to demos of Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Ruin, and Street Fighter X Tekken now featuring Cole from inFAMOUS. Also there are apparently 80 titles in development for the Playstation Vita already.

Finally what everyone has been waiting nearly 2 years to hear; the price point. The PlayStation Vita wifi-only package will retail in the US for $249. The 3G model will retail for $349. Both packages will be available by this holiday season.

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